A great idea for saving some money is to find a group of friends with whom you can start a babysitting co-op. It's very simple to do and will save on childcare and the stress of bringing your kids to the grocery store. Who wouldn't enjoy more date nights? This works for families with parents at home or working out of the home because it works around your schedule!
Here's how it works:
-Gather a group of friends for your initial meeting.
-Give each person a coupon book of 30 coupons.
-Each coupon is worth 1 hours of child care, and this was how you pay each other.
-The Co-op can be used to grocery shop, clean house, or have an evening out (or you can come up with your own agreed upon rules).
-Members are free to specify if they wanted to baby-sit during the daytime, evening, or weekends.
-One could always say "no" on an occasion that wasn't convenient.
-Have a once-in-a-while meeting meeting to meet new members and keep up with how many coupons members have accumulated.
I know Claire on our team and some of my good friends are currently in a babysitting co-op. I'd love to hear their insight and feedback!
Jen Starks, Owner www.ecologicalbabies.com ecologicalbabies@gmail.com 574.275.1235
THis is a fun idea. About a month ago, a friend and I started swapping kids every Wednesday morning with the thought that it is so much easier to get things done in your own house when the little people aren't under foot. Its great to have the time to look forward to and to be able to plan appointments or even just some guilt free "me time" on the couch. After four years of kids, its kindof weird to be in the house, alone!
Coops are a great! If you're interested in managing your coop online, check out www.sittingaround.com. Our software makes it easy to start, manage, and grow a babysitting cooperative.
Thanks for posting your link. I never imagined there'd be something like that!
Hey Jen,
I love your idea for a baby-sitting co-op! I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to your blog in my most recent blog post about how new parents can save money. :)
Take care,
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