Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reflections & Resolutions

What a busy year for us!  We went from launching our natural parenting products to adding a new location, and even hiring Claire Williamson.  I have to admit, having Claire on board our team has been a highlight. Partnering with others really helps bring in fresh new ideas and discussions!  Of course, Ecological Babies would absolutely not be operating if it weren't for my amazingly talented web designer, Liz Buzone.  Thank you Liz for ALL that you do!!!

Every year on our birthday, I like to do a little "R & R".  Nope, not rest and relax!  Rather, I like to see the day as the beginning of a new year and reflect & develop some resolutions.  It's time for planning and improving and going back through our notes when we first developed our mission.  

Here's some of the key points in my notes of what I originally wanted integrated into our mission:
-Creating value through our products & education.
-Developing relationships with those that we serve and work with in the community.
-Desire to serve society rather than exploit. Something many big box stores don't embrace.
-For me to be able gain balance and peace within my self and help others too.
-Promoting simplicity, social justice, community, and spirituality. These are values that stem from a volunteer year I spent with the Jesuit Volunteer Corp (JVC).  Spirituality in the sense of connecting people to each other and their environment, whatever beliefs you may have.
-For me to gain autonomy to be home raising my children.  

In reflecting on ways I believe we can improve, I've come up with a short list that will sound a bit vague.  But as I continue to dwell on these topics, I'll put more details into motion. Most of all, I'd love your feedback!

Ways of Improvement:
-More education.  I'd like to offer more discussions on topics related to cloth diapers to offer more support and guidance. In addition, I want to become more a resource on other topics related to our mission: natural parenting, attachment parenting, simplicity, community building, etc.  
-Faster Shipping.  I have to be honest.  Right now, it's an effort to ship out orders.  I want to become more efficient to minimize efforts and costs, and to be able to ship within 24 hours.
-Quicker Follow up.  We want to offer as much support to you as possible.  You should expect us to return your message or reply by email within 24 hours at the latest. 
-Find more ways to build community.  Since we're home-based, our main presence is online.  And while we can connect online to many people at once, we can connect better when we are physically with people.  We want to provide more opportunities where like-minded families can get together.  When you have small children, you can become limited in your ability to meet people you'd really connect with.  We want to help orchestrate that!
-Have more presence in hospitals, day cares, and other places where consumers can learn more about cloth diapers.  We want nurses excited about cloth diapers, day cares to be more eco-friendly and open to accepting cloth diapers.  If they won't come to us, we'll just have to come to them!!!  :o)
-Give back more to the community.  We're talking charity events, donations, volunteering.  We're all in this together, right? 

Like I said, I REALLY want to hear from you and your experience with us.  What can we be doing better or already doing well?  You can even post anonymously! Please don't make me beg! 

Thank you to all that we have met with this year.  You make us a success and keep our mission going in your community.

Peace and lots of love,


Jen Starks, Owner 574.275.1235


Maureen said...

How do you ship your diapers? If you have a scale to weigh, you can calculate and print shipping labels online in a jiff! Perhaps implement a time of day where you prepare your completed orders for shipment and leave 'em for the mailman.

Anonymous said...

Maureen-Great idea! Having a pick up option with USPS or UPS would help a lot too.