Sunday, February 24, 2013

Discussion: Is Homemaking Enough?

I'm reading this fantastic book, "Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity From a Consumer Culture" and am sure I will be doing a lot of posts from this book, but am still digesting it.  I highly recommend you get your hand on a copy of this book. There is a quote in this book that has really hit home to me and I'd REALLY like to hear other's input on how it resonates with you.

"Our gauge of success and personal worth has become so reliant on external validation that women and men now find it difficult to believe that a life centered around the home can satisfy their needs for personal fulfillment and genuine achievement."

Wow, what a powerful statement.  This is exactly what I have been struggling with these past few months as I prepare for the birth of my 3rd baby.  What is best for my family after this baby is born?  What is best for my own personal journey?  Would being home exclusively and not working be enough?

For you moms and dads who are home full-time and not bringing in an extra income, have you struggled with this issue? Have you found that satisfaction with a life centered around your family life?

Jen Starks, Owner 

1 comment:

Haley @ Carrots for Michaelmas said...

I LOVED that book, Jen. I struggled with this, as well. I wrote a post about this a couple of months ago:

I highly recommend Wendell Berry's essays (many of my favorites are found in The Art of the Commonplace) that deal with the value of the home. If you liked Radical Homemakers, you might like his essays, too!