Happy Earth Day!
I've been so busy preparing for our upcoming birth that I haven't spent much time writing in the blog. I have to admit that my focus of my business and blog has shifted a bit, which is probably why I haven't been as active on my computer. Instead, I have been actively reading books, journaling, and spending a lot of time enjoying my kids.
In my last blog post, I wrote about this book I was reading, Radical Homemaking. This book has been a catalyst for the shift. It has been perfect reading for my pregnancy. I have been searching for what I want out of our family life after the baby arrives. Do I maintain both locations of Ecological Babies and keep doing what I'm doing? Is this feasible? Do I let go of everything and could I embrace being a stay at home mom completely? What would be best for me? What would be best for my kids? Lots of questions and I hadn't been able to find an answer. Every pregnancy rocks my world in this way. I guess it is inevitable with all those hormones and the realization that my life is going to change again when a new member joins the family.
Well, I don't have complete answers but I have found peace within. I'm slowing down for awhile and focusing on deepening my connection with my family and my local community. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons for connecting to the land and to experiment with new domestic skills. I'm going to be learning more about self-reliance and interdependence.
At the same time, I am going to still maintain Ecological Babies as it fits the needs and interest of my community. But let's just say that I won't be going gangbusters or posting on Facebook every 2 hours. I'm sure you won't mind too much. :)
Send some good birthing vibes my way. I'd love to have an Earth Day baby. And I'd love to finally meet this little guy or girl who's been kicking, stretching, and hiccuping inside me. My 2 other kids would like my lap back too. :)
In peace,
Jen Starks, Owner